Solid Fertirrigation

Ecofol 0-52-34

Ecofol 0-52-34 is high in phosphorus and potassium. It fulfills the deficiency of phosphorus and potassium in the plant. Apply immediately after dilution the effect will be reduced if used before or during rains. Do not mix with any other product for combined application to avoid the uncertain performance of the product.

Liter Type:

1 Kg, 25 Kg




Declared content

Content %w/w
Moisture 0.5
Water soluble Phosphorous 52
Water soluble Potassium (K2O) 34
Sodium (NaCl) 0.5

Stage Of Application

Stage level 1

Stage level 2

Stage level 3

Stage level 4

Stage level 5

Foliar Application

Crop Dosis Stage of application
General 3 -5 Gm / Ltr -

Fertirrigation Application

Crop Dosis Stage of application
General 3 -5 Gm / Ltr -
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